Scrap Metal Safety

It can never be mentioned enough, or executed enough, scrap metal safety. Inside a scrap metal facility it is paramount. It is practiced and preached on a regular basis. For the scrap metal collector, who is a free agent, and really abides by their own standard and set of rules (probably the reason you got into scrapping in the first place) their are really no guide lines or boundaries, other than common sense of course.

Scrap Metal Safety

First and foremost, if collecting scrap in a vehicle , make sure you abide by all local driving and safety laws in your area…watch your speed, use flashing lights when stopping to pick up and keep your distance from other vehicles such as city trash collectors and so on. they make frequent stops as well, and sometimes multiple vehicles stopping and starting on a street can be hazardous. It’s also important to note that your materials should be tied down and secured every time you pick up, debris is not only hazardous to others, it will be costly to you and could ruin a weeks earnings with one ticket.

The biggest hazard with scrap metal safety is sharp and pointy metals. It is always prudent to wear protective hand gear when handling scrap, especially when it is being loaded and has not been inspected and sheared of any razor sharp points. Handle all new scrap with care to avoid these type injury’s.

Lastly, prepare your scrap properly for sale at your local yard. Go through your scrap and separate and clean it properly of oils and debris that may be flammable. If you do not, and there is an accident once transferred to a yard, your business may no longer valued or permitted there, it is a common business courtesy to have your scrap ready to sell.